Friday, September 25, 2009

Cashing in "The Ferguson".... Again

Well, I cashed in "The Ferguson" again.  I am getting consistent on making the money in this tourney.  Now if I can just move up the pay ladder.  I only cashed for $1.48.  I am reaching the money by playing extremely tight and not getting involved in very many hands, but when I reach the money, I don't have a lot of chips to maneuver with.  I need to learn how to accumulate more chips before reaching the money, so that I can make a deeper run. Maybe I can pick up my aggressiveness near the bubble by attacking the short stacks who are just trying to survive.  At least I am past my downswing and I am starting to rebuild my bankroll which is now at $77.86.  I am going to play in "The Ferguson" again later tonight, as well as a couple of 45 player SNG's.  See you at the tables!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I found your blog randomly tryin to find some more info on Chris' $10,000 challenge. I started reading and i ended up reading all of your posts while playin some sngs on full tilt. I had plans to do the same thing as you. I have always been an up and down player and figured this would be good for me to have a goal and play more disciplined. I am looking forward to readin more. My blog profile is under jamesb8701 but i haven't blogged yet. My only suggestion to you is to maybe play the 9 man sngs instead of the 45. i know it is more money if you win but you have a better chance of winning the 9 mans. good luck on your challenge!
